Saturday, January 30, 2010

new boss

Have been missing in action for some time....

休完假回到office時, 就被老闆召去開會. 又有人事變動, 只不過這次會影響到我.
我的老闆將會是M, 這將會是1號生效.
其實, 這也不見的是件壞事, since I am looking for a change, 這可能來的正是時候.
Maybe it is fated for me to take this path so I just have to make the best out of it.
No point dwelling about this, since this path is paved for me, I shall take one step at a time and walk this path.

Wish me luck~

Sunday, January 17, 2010


當我被別人欺負時, 妳們會幫我出口氣, 一起咒那個&%$#
當我開心時, 妳們會幫我慶祝...
當我難過時, 妳們會陪我渡過...
妳們比我更了解我自己, 每當我遇到了瓶頸或迷失方向時, 妳們都會拉我一把, 會盡妳們的所能幫我找回方向...

無論那些話, 我聽了有多難過
無論那些話, 我聽了會很討厭妳們

I am sorry...but thank you for 妳們的不離不棄

Thank you
Thank you for being the ear to listen to my frustrations
Thank you for being open and honest whenever I ask for an opinion
Thank you for being there for me 24 x 7
Thank you for all the love and care.
Thank you for being my 老友記.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Received a not so favorable news recently, not the best way to start my new year.
Something that I was very looking forward to will not come into realisation. My heart sank when I received the news. I thought it will go as planned but to my dissapointment, it did not, it has decided to prove me wrong. I thought things will happen if I wanted it bad enough but I was wrong.

At first, I was reluctant to accept the fact because I seriously was not prepared to take no as the answer. I kept looking for a reason, why is it a no? what I have done incorrectly? or what have I not done? yup...I did not take the outcome too well...

I finally gave up dwelling about it and accepted the fact. We do not always get what we want. No matter how bad we want it, it does not mean you will get it especially if you have no control over the decisioning. If it is not meant to be, then it would not happen, and it explained the bad news. 唯有再接再厲...加油!

Had to go back to the office for a full day training today. It has been so long since I had to be in the office for a full day on a Saturday. I think since my Auths days I have not been in the office for the weekend for a full day. While driving to the office this morning, reluctantly, I saw a teenager spitting on the pedestrian sidewalk after crossing the street. This is so uncivilised and unethical. This will reflect badly on our society but do they or the government cares? I doubt it. Sometimes, when I think about our country, seriously, I think we could have done better. With the natural resources and plantations, we should be richer. We are blessed for the strategic location with no earthquakes nor volcanoes. The weather is beautiful year round, we have the best islands in the world and how come our tourism is worst than our neighbouring countries? I can go on and on but I think there is no point...because I believe our government will not improve because they cannot be bothered about the rakyat. They are just full of themselves, just like some selfish brats...ok...stop~

Time to sleep...good night~

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

