Today, marks the last day of 2009.
In few more hours, we will be in 2010 and 2009 will be history.
How have 2009 been for you? I know 2009 has been a tough year to some where they lost their loved ones. To some, 2009 has been an excellent year where their dreams came true.
As for me, it has been a bumpy year, from a spine fracture to possible AH1N1, what else can I ask for? A rather memorable year I must say but no complaints. In 2009, I travelled to new places, learnt a lot, had the highest medical leave record throughout my career, made new friends, moved out from home(renovation), got hurt and recuperated, bought too many expensive items, got drunk, still driving my old Proton, fell down from a flight of stairs, diagnosed for possible AH1N1, got a new boss, made huge mistakes at work, seen too much of office politics and getting sick and tired of it, and oh! finally realised that I have too much clothes and quite proud of my 2009 achievements :-)
I am certain that 2010 will be another exciting year~
Have you set your 2010 New Year Resolution?
Here is where I capture pieces of my life, things that matter to me, events that made me who I am today.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
第1位 当然是O型血型。O型血型撒谎简直就像吃饭一样,但撒谎时所有人都能看出是假的。
第2位 B型血型。B型血型非常会装蒜。
第3位 AB型血型。不经常撒谎,但一旦撒谎就能瞒过所有人。
第4位 A型血型。原本就不会撒谎。
第1位 B型血型。具有坚强不屈的强大生命力,所以会坚韧地活下去
第2位 A型血型。会突然产生求生的意识。A型血型会仔细地考虑求生的方法。
第3位 AB型血型。要么活要么死,随它去吧。
第4位 O型血型。讨厌独自生活。爱唠叨爱聊天的O型血型如果没有人与其说话,就会闷得想自杀。
第1位 AB型血型。不太努力的AB型血型只会在二三等徘徊。
第2位 A型血型。A型血型根本没有这种欲望。
第3位 B型血型。B型血型学习很用功。
第4位 O型血型。O型血型非常用功。甚至于不惜挑灯夜读以获得第1名。
第1位 O型血型。无论是学习,还是吃东西,O型血型都同样用功。
第2位 B型血型。B型血型主要喜欢鱼类。
第3位 AB型血型。吃的能力只处在平均水准上。
第4位 A型血型。A型血型既不挑食,也不贪食。
第1位 O型血型。O型血型原本就很有自己的一套,外貌也出众,能言善道,天生就是做明星的料。
第2位 B型血型。B型血型的外貌很能引人注目,个性总能得到认可。
第3位 AB型血型。AB型血型基本上不具备成为明星的能力。
第4位 A型血型。A型血型不喜欢引人注目,从内心拒绝成为明星。
第1位 AB型血型。AB型血型最不懂礼貌。
第2位 B型血型。有点不懂礼貌。
第3位 A型血型。A型血型都不知道怎样是不礼貌。
第4位 O型血型。O型血型有故意表现得不礼貌的倾向,与O型血型的善良的内心形成鲜明对比。
第1位 O型血型。O型血型善于理财,自然可以成为大富翁。
第2位 B型血型。B型血型会积少成多成为富翁。
第3位 AB型血型。AB型血型不太喜欢金钱。
第4位 A型血型。A型血型相对于金钱,更重视荣誉。
第1位 当然是O型血型。O型血型撒谎简直就像吃饭一样,但撒谎时所有人都能看出是假的。
第2位 B型血型。B型血型非常会装蒜。
第3位 AB型血型。不经常撒谎,但一旦撒谎就能瞒过所有人。
第4位 A型血型。原本就不会撒谎。
第1位 B型血型。具有坚强不屈的强大生命力,所以会坚韧地活下去
第2位 A型血型。会突然产生求生的意识。A型血型会仔细地考虑求生的方法。
第3位 AB型血型。要么活要么死,随它去吧。
第4位 O型血型。讨厌独自生活。爱唠叨爱聊天的O型血型如果没有人与其说话,就会闷得想自杀。
第1位 AB型血型。不太努力的AB型血型只会在二三等徘徊。
第2位 A型血型。A型血型根本没有这种欲望。
第3位 B型血型。B型血型学习很用功。
第4位 O型血型。O型血型非常用功。甚至于不惜挑灯夜读以获得第1名。
第1位 O型血型。无论是学习,还是吃东西,O型血型都同样用功。
第2位 B型血型。B型血型主要喜欢鱼类。
第3位 AB型血型。吃的能力只处在平均水准上。
第4位 A型血型。A型血型既不挑食,也不贪食。
第1位 O型血型。O型血型原本就很有自己的一套,外貌也出众,能言善道,天生就是做明星的料。
第2位 B型血型。B型血型的外貌很能引人注目,个性总能得到认可。
第3位 AB型血型。AB型血型基本上不具备成为明星的能力。
第4位 A型血型。A型血型不喜欢引人注目,从内心拒绝成为明星。
第1位 AB型血型。AB型血型最不懂礼貌。
第2位 B型血型。有点不懂礼貌。
第3位 A型血型。A型血型都不知道怎样是不礼貌。
第4位 O型血型。O型血型有故意表现得不礼貌的倾向,与O型血型的善良的内心形成鲜明对比。
第1位 O型血型。O型血型善于理财,自然可以成为大富翁。
第2位 B型血型。B型血型会积少成多成为富翁。
第3位 AB型血型。AB型血型不太喜欢金钱。
第4位 A型血型。A型血型相对于金钱,更重视荣誉。
Monday, December 28, 2009
坐在office的我, 超無聊
這個星期的office也特別的安靜, 因為同事都在休假, 而我...唉~
上幾個星期, 有一位朋友(你知道你是誰)讀了我的blog後說我的華語好爛
我也知道我的華語爛啊...所以才要多用, 才會進步嗎...要不然會一直爛下去啊~
這位自稱朋友的朋友, 你啊...沒有encourage我也算了...既然還踩多兩腳...你真是夠朋友..
我好用心的寫欸, 誰叫我上學不專心...所以唯有現在將勤補絕囉...
坐在office的我, 超無聊
這個星期的office也特別的安靜, 因為同事都在休假, 而我...唉~
上幾個星期, 有一位朋友(你知道你是誰)讀了我的blog後說我的華語好爛
我也知道我的華語爛啊...所以才要多用, 才會進步嗎...要不然會一直爛下去啊~
這位自稱朋友的朋友, 你啊...沒有encourage我也算了...既然還踩多兩腳...你真是夠朋友..
我好用心的寫欸, 誰叫我上學不專心...所以唯有現在將勤補絕囉...
Thursday, December 24, 2009
聖誕老公公, 您在哪?
這麼快, 今天是2009年的平安夜,
2009年1月1號, 感覺好像是才一個月前的事...
還記得去年的平安夜, 是有驚喜的....也變成了美好的回憶....
(因為太多所以後面加了sss) :-)
Wishing all readers a joyful and memorable Christmas....
2009年1月1號, 感覺好像是才一個月前的事...
還記得去年的平安夜, 是有驚喜的....也變成了美好的回憶....
(因為太多所以後面加了sss) :-)
Wishing all readers a joyful and memorable Christmas....
It is bad enough that I have to work through Christmas.
Today is Christmas Eve, woke up in the morning, feeling all unwilling and lethagic to go to work.
To make things worst, I am sick!
Here I am, sitting in the office, sneezing, nose running, body aching...
Today is Christmas Eve, woke up in the morning, feeling all unwilling and lethagic to go to work.
To make things worst, I am sick!
Here I am, sitting in the office, sneezing, nose running, body aching...
Saturday, December 19, 2009
哪..你覺得人, 應不應該對於感情, 事業, 家人, 朋友有期待呢?
沒有期待, 哪人生不就沒期待了嗎
可是, 有期待, 就要準備面對失望
哪..你覺得人, 應不應該對於感情, 事業, 家人, 朋友有期待呢?
沒有期待, 哪人生不就沒期待了嗎
可是, 有期待, 就要準備面對失望
So where should I start? Hmmm....OK, let's start with my 'Bangkok' what's with the ' ' ? That is because I did not end up being in Bangkok instead I detoured to another country in which I thought will 神不知, 鬼不覺 and let me tell you I WAS SO WRONG~
I did not want to let my parents know about this detour, I even got my friends to help me buy some goodies from BKK as proof of visit. Everything went smoothly, I told myself, as everyone thought I went to BKK. Just when I thought everything was good, 2 weeks ago, 2 months after my 'bangkok' trip, my mom started to act differently, a little of Indian drama was on show. She was saying that I was not honest and that I do not trust them and all the weird weird statements. I thought she was referring to some secrets between my sister and myself so I just acted stupid. The next morning, she confronted me, asking why did I not tell her that I did not go to bangkok and detoured. I was in the state of SHOCK! My face was white, I was speechless, and again I acted stupid but in the end I admited the detour but did not go into detail. In the end, mom did say that 紙係包唔住火嘅...
Till date, I have no clue who blurted out about my trip. Lesson learnt, do not lie, BUT if you really have to lie about the detour, do not let anyone knows and go to a 無人島...
I did not want to let my parents know about this detour, I even got my friends to help me buy some goodies from BKK as proof of visit. Everything went smoothly, I told myself, as everyone thought I went to BKK. Just when I thought everything was good, 2 weeks ago, 2 months after my 'bangkok' trip, my mom started to act differently, a little of Indian drama was on show. She was saying that I was not honest and that I do not trust them and all the weird weird statements. I thought she was referring to some secrets between my sister and myself so I just acted stupid. The next morning, she confronted me, asking why did I not tell her that I did not go to bangkok and detoured. I was in the state of SHOCK! My face was white, I was speechless, and again I acted stupid but in the end I admited the detour but did not go into detail. In the end, mom did say that 紙係包唔住火嘅...
Till date, I have no clue who blurted out about my trip. Lesson learnt, do not lie, BUT if you really have to lie about the detour, do not let anyone knows and go to a 無人島...
Saturday, December 5, 2009
之前和好友聊天時, 被問為甚麼我會記得某些事全部的details.
從頭到尾的每一個細節, 情節, 當時的感受, 都記得一清二楚.
人的記憶就是這樣, 對於自己在乎的事, 是可以像錄影機的把每一個細節給拍下來, 存進腦裡.
因為那件事有我在乎的人或是東西或是感受, 所以, 很自然的會把每一細節都給記起來.
而對於妳不在乎的事, 就算再努力, 都會記不起來.
從頭到尾的每一個細節, 情節, 當時的感受, 都記得一清二楚.
人的記憶就是這樣, 對於自己在乎的事, 是可以像錄影機的把每一個細節給拍下來, 存進腦裡.
因為那件事有我在乎的人或是東西或是感受, 所以, 很自然的會把每一細節都給記起來.
而對於妳不在乎的事, 就算再努力, 都會記不起來.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Happy Birthday to Me~
A very eventful birthday...
Yesterday marks my last 20th birthday, so not looking forward to the big 3 next year, seriously...OMG~
I told my friends, I will continue to put my age as 29 until 30th November 2010, I don't care... my birthday is on 1st December and the celebration started on...teng teng teng teng~
Yesterday marks my last 20th birthday, so not looking forward to the big 3 next year, seriously...OMG~
I told my friends, I will continue to put my age as 29 until 30th November 2010, I don't care... my birthday is on 1st December and the celebration started on...teng teng teng teng~
Monday, November 30, 2009
當這罐瓶子是空的時候, 人會覺得空虛....
當這罐瓶子是裝著開心的事, 人會覺的開心和滿足...
當這罐瓶子是裝著不開心的事, 水會慢慢的累積在這瓶子裡面, 人的情緒也會慢慢的不穩定....
當這罐瓶子沒辦法再容納更多水時, 人就會崩潰, 而這些水就會從眼眶被排出來...
哭了之後, 人會覺得輕了, 因為瓶子裡的水已經被倒完出來了....
當這罐瓶子是空的時候, 人會覺得空虛....
當這罐瓶子是裝著開心的事, 人會覺的開心和滿足...
當這罐瓶子是裝著不開心的事, 水會慢慢的累積在這瓶子裡面, 人的情緒也會慢慢的不穩定....
當這罐瓶子沒辦法再容納更多水時, 人就會崩潰, 而這些水就會從眼眶被排出來...
哭了之後, 人會覺得輕了, 因為瓶子裡的水已經被倒完出來了....
Thursday, November 19, 2009
當D男說他金錢上有問題, C女會毫不猶豫的幫他..而且連車子也借他..
而D男是怎麼回報呢? 就是對其他同事說C女的不是...
原來C女出了一台車給D男....貸款都是C女的名下...而且是台myvi...比她自己的車還要貴....算啦....一個願打一個願挨...可是可惡的是D男既然沒繳貸款還連人帶車的失蹤....現在C女被列入黑名單了....還有還有...C女給了D男附屬卡...of course D男用了也沒還...C女也因這樣欠下一筆卡債....好可憐哦...
當D男說他金錢上有問題, C女會毫不猶豫的幫他..而且連車子也借他..
而D男是怎麼回報呢? 就是對其他同事說C女的不是...
原來C女出了一台車給D男....貸款都是C女的名下...而且是台myvi...比她自己的車還要貴....算啦....一個願打一個願挨...可是可惡的是D男既然沒繳貸款還連人帶車的失蹤....現在C女被列入黑名單了....還有還有...C女給了D男附屬卡...of course D男用了也沒還...C女也因這樣欠下一筆卡債....好可憐哦...
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
結果針是打了....還加上抽血!..我的媽啊! 抽血!! 還要3管呢!!
結果針是打了....還加上抽血!..我的媽啊! 抽血!! 還要3管呢!!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
最近有幾個願望, 本人都非常希望會實現...超希望的...
最近有幾個願望, 本人都非常希望會實現...超希望的...
Thursday, November 12, 2009
不知道是office今天的冷氣比較冷還是怎麼了, 一整天那雙手都是冰冰的...
lunch吃了一碗湯麵以為可以暖下身體...可是一旦回到office, 又開始冷了....哎~
最近, 我的老闆變了...變得有點恐怖...
五點傍晚的KL, 烏雲密佈, 感覺好像已是八點...
我的球技...我跟你說....超爛!! 哈哈哈.....
扭傷這家事...我還蠻有天份的... :-)
lunch吃了一碗湯麵以為可以暖下身體...可是一旦回到office, 又開始冷了....哎~
最近, 我的老闆變了...變得有點恐怖...
五點傍晚的KL, 烏雲密佈, 感覺好像已是八點...
我的球技...我跟你說....超爛!! 哈哈哈.....
扭傷這家事...我還蠻有天份的... :-)
Sunday, November 8, 2009
怎知, 每個小時都被肚子弄醒了...
現在可好了, 好朋友長大了...
怎知, 每個小時都被肚子弄醒了...
現在可好了, 好朋友長大了...
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Temporary home..
After moving into our temporary home for one month, I have not posted anything about it. Due to a small renovation of our home, we had to move out temporarily for 3 months. Moving out the house after staying for more than 25 years is NOT an easy task. Packing alone was tedious, not to mention moving the items out of the house. Temporarily, I have moved from a double story link terrace to a condominium. Not very used to it at first but after one month, everything is starting to be in place.
The one thing I always have to remember is not to leave my house key in the car, cause if I did then I will need to go back to the car to get it, (wait for the lift, take the lift to the lobby, walk to the car, unlock the car, open the door, grab the house key, close the door, lock the car, walk back to the lift lobby, wait for the lift, take the lift up to the floor) ya, you get what I mean and you know what? I am very good at leaving my house key behind in the car and yes I have been through the long process.
The best thing that I like about the current place is the view, it is just beautiful, looking at the night view of the city with the twin tower lited up, is just breathtaking. Picture taken today from the balcony....
The one thing I always have to remember is not to leave my house key in the car, cause if I did then I will need to go back to the car to get it, (wait for the lift, take the lift to the lobby, walk to the car, unlock the car, open the door, grab the house key, close the door, lock the car, walk back to the lift lobby, wait for the lift, take the lift up to the floor) ya, you get what I mean and you know what? I am very good at leaving my house key behind in the car and yes I have been through the long process.
The best thing that I like about the current place is the view, it is just beautiful, looking at the night view of the city with the twin tower lited up, is just breathtaking. Picture taken today from the balcony....
How can they do this?
What is going on with today's society?
Open the local's newspaper website and you get see all sorts of news happening everyday. As always, politics will get the headlines, personally, I strongly believe the country could have been a much more developed country than we are now. Well, unfortunately with our ever corrupted government whom does not put on their thinking caps, I think we are still far away from moving ourselve to be a developed country. Making selfish, inconsiderate, corrupted decisions, is what caused the country to be where it is today.
With such selfish leaders, many ignorant nations behave and think with the same selfish mentality which explains why there are such cruel, heartless people who abandon animals to an isolated place with no food nor water and allow it to suffer and die from hunger. What were they thinking? Where have they placed their heart? How would they feel if they were treated like this?
Another news on cruelty, but this time on humans, that is maids being abused, the employer pouring hot
Open the local's newspaper website and you get see all sorts of news happening everyday. As always, politics will get the headlines, personally, I strongly believe the country could have been a much more developed country than we are now. Well, unfortunately with our ever corrupted government whom does not put on their thinking caps, I think we are still far away from moving ourselve to be a developed country. Making selfish, inconsiderate, corrupted decisions, is what caused the country to be where it is today.
With such selfish leaders, many ignorant nations behave and think with the same selfish mentality which explains why there are such cruel, heartless people who abandon animals to an isolated place with no food nor water and allow it to suffer and die from hunger. What were they thinking? Where have they placed their heart? How would they feel if they were treated like this?
Another news on cruelty, but this time on humans, that is maids being abused, the employer pouring hot
Sunday, November 1, 2009
一張開眼的時候, 才發現原來之前自己在夢境...
這麼快我們踏入十一月了, 剛在整理房間時偶然找到一本十年前的日記...
打開第一頁, 十年前的回憶, 一幕幕的在腦海裡播放著....
現在的我會覺得當時的自己, 思想單純, 衝動, 笨笨的...
回想當時, 簡單, 沒煩惱, 沒牽掛的日子, 還蠻想念的...
在這十年裡, 發生了許許多多愉快與不愉快的, 也為這些事掉了數不清的淚水...其中有快樂的...也有悲傷的....現在這些已變成了回憶....美好的回憶...因為當時的傷口現在已不痛了....
正如柴九哥在<巾幗梟雄>裡的金句 "人生有幾多個十年, 最緊要活得痛快"....
這麼快我們踏入十一月了, 剛在整理房間時偶然找到一本十年前的日記...
打開第一頁, 十年前的回憶, 一幕幕的在腦海裡播放著....
現在的我會覺得當時的自己, 思想單純, 衝動, 笨笨的...
回想當時, 簡單, 沒煩惱, 沒牽掛的日子, 還蠻想念的...
在這十年裡, 發生了許許多多愉快與不愉快的, 也為這些事掉了數不清的淚水...其中有快樂的...也有悲傷的....現在這些已變成了回憶....美好的回憶...因為當時的傷口現在已不痛了....
正如柴九哥在<巾幗梟雄>裡的金句 "人生有幾多個十年, 最緊要活得痛快"....
No money....
Saturday...the sky has been crying the whole day....
MSD Team Building is scheduled for today...event is bowling.
As you can see my last post was nearly 3am, by the time I hit dreamland, it has past 4am and had to wake up by 8:45am. With less than 5 hours of sleep, I woke up looking like 安安 (don't know who? easy...先把你的頭撞向牆, 然後再上網, 就會找到答案)....had 叉燒包 (好吃!) for breakfast while driving. 哇! 說真的...蠻久沒有玩bowling了...大概都有兩年吧...可是技術一點都沒退哦...哈哈~既然可以拿到第三名...整組啦當然....若是個人的話....我也應該會拿第三....從後面算起...哈哈~
Bowling結束後...吃lunch...然後就殺去了warehouse sale...其實沒有甚麼需要買的...可是不去白不去嗎...就去囉....結果害我買了一堆東西....該死的warehouse sale! 哎...幾時發薪水啊?
結果都弄到6-7點了....比上班還累 為甚麼從英文寫寫下會變成中文的?
So what do one do when the money is all spent? Go home and hide 啦 of course.....晚餐喝了南瓜番茄排骨湯....好喝!...看到裡面的材料好像蠻容易的....找天在家試弄看看....若成功的話再讓大家品嘗.... :-)
噢! 眼皮好重哦....周公在急call....要開董事會議了.....
MSD Team Building is scheduled for today...event is bowling.
As you can see my last post was nearly 3am, by the time I hit dreamland, it has past 4am and had to wake up by 8:45am. With less than 5 hours of sleep, I woke up looking like 安安 (don't know who? easy...先把你的頭撞向牆, 然後再上網, 就會找到答案)....had 叉燒包 (好吃!) for breakfast while driving. 哇! 說真的...蠻久沒有玩bowling了...大概都有兩年吧...可是技術一點都沒退哦...哈哈~既然可以拿到第三名...整組啦當然....若是個人的話....我也應該會拿第三....從後面算起...哈哈~
Bowling結束後...吃lunch...然後就殺去了warehouse sale...其實沒有甚麼需要買的...可是不去白不去嗎...就去囉....結果害我買了一堆東西....該死的warehouse sale! 哎...幾時發薪水啊?
結果都弄到6-7點了....比上班還累 為甚麼從英文寫寫下會變成中文的?
So what do one do when the money is all spent? Go home and hide 啦 of course.....晚餐喝了南瓜番茄排骨湯....好喝!...看到裡面的材料好像蠻容易的....找天在家試弄看看....若成功的話再讓大家品嘗.... :-)
噢! 眼皮好重哦....周公在急call....要開董事會議了.....
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
一個讓我想有關理想, 夢想, 事業, 和將來的星期二....
曾經有過的理想, 已變成夢想了嗎?
曾經有過的理想, 現在還是一樣嗎?
曾經有過的理想, 還是現在想要的嗎?
曾經有過的理想, 還記得嗎? ....
我看是時候shut down了 :-)
time to zzzZZzzzzZZ.....
一個讓我想有關理想, 夢想, 事業, 和將來的星期二....
曾經有過的理想, 已變成夢想了嗎?
曾經有過的理想, 現在還是一樣嗎?
曾經有過的理想, 還是現在想要的嗎?
曾經有過的理想, 還記得嗎? ....
我看是時候shut down了 :-)
time to zzzZZzzzzZZ.....
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Went for paintball match yesterday morning....My first paintball match...
每次我都是"死剩種"...end up被2-3個敵方包圍....最後也是"死"了...
Verdict? it is a fun need teamwork and strategies...and you need mental and physical STAMINA!!
After the game, I K.O., totally exhausted and had to drag myself home...
今天, 感冒了...need more rest~
每次我都是"死剩種"...end up被2-3個敵方包圍....最後也是"死"了...
Verdict? it is a fun need teamwork and strategies...and you need mental and physical STAMINA!!
After the game, I K.O., totally exhausted and had to drag myself home...
今天, 感冒了...need more rest~
Friday, October 23, 2009
Life is filled with unexpected surprises...
Isn't this so true?
This is a quote that I created, few years back, when one event striked me really hard. So hard that it made me so emotional where I was not able to sit, stand, and think properly, not to mention going to bed. In the end, I had to cry myself to sleep.
Well, guess what...
This quote came into my mind again. Yes, something not too pleasant happened. Something that I know it might happen but have always pray for it not to happen...Something that I am not prepare to face...Something that I do not want to face...Something that I wished it would not happen....原來我一直都在自欺欺人...
I guess if it is meant to happen, it will somehow come and there is no way to obstruct it.
I am feeling slightly better now, at least the tears has helped to calm my emotion however the wound is still sore, and am still sad but I know time will heal it.
Isn't this so true?
This is a quote that I created, few years back, when one event striked me really hard. So hard that it made me so emotional where I was not able to sit, stand, and think properly, not to mention going to bed. In the end, I had to cry myself to sleep.
Well, guess what...
This quote came into my mind again. Yes, something not too pleasant happened. Something that I know it might happen but have always pray for it not to happen...Something that I am not prepare to face...Something that I do not want to face...Something that I wished it would not happen....原來我一直都在自欺欺人...
I guess if it is meant to happen, it will somehow come and there is no way to obstruct it.
I am feeling slightly better now, at least the tears has helped to calm my emotion however the wound is still sore, and am still sad but I know time will heal it.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Just received some harsh comments from a friend/colleague about work...真的還滿難聽的...I never received such comments before in my career..actually I felt insulted and....stupid...seriously...
But I guess the friend meant well...if not the friend would not be so honest just to try and hurt my feelings...
hmm...我真的是這樣嗎? 真的要好好的想想....
But I guess the friend meant well...if not the friend would not be so honest just to try and hurt my feelings...
hmm...我真的是這樣嗎? 真的要好好的想想....
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
New Home~
Welcome to my new home...I had to move due to privacy constrain...
I guess it is time for me to resume with my posting...just like the title says...this blog will be my little journal capturing events and thoughts of my life...
"Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get" ...
So it is very important that you live your life to the fullest, cherish your love ones, savor the happiness, and remember those moments as you only live this life once~
I guess it is time for me to resume with my posting...just like the title says...this blog will be my little journal capturing events and thoughts of my life...
"Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get" ...
So it is very important that you live your life to the fullest, cherish your love ones, savor the happiness, and remember those moments as you only live this life once~
Monday, September 7, 2009
Have you ever feel lost? Not sure what to do...and with no objective....
Somehow I have been like this rather frequently lately....especially career wise. Could it be that I am not happy with what I am currently doing? This is the question I have been asking myself lately and sadly I am not able to answer a yes to it. I am having doubt. Since my tenure with this organisation, I have never felt like this before I moved to MSD. Although my previous role requires me to work on shift and weekends, I have always felt motivated.
Have I gotten into the wrong job? Am I not enjoying what I am doing which causes me to feel this way? Or could it be because of my leader?
I am definitely not overworked as I just came back from a holiday...
No clue what is the root cause...
Somehow I have been like this rather frequently lately....especially career wise. Could it be that I am not happy with what I am currently doing? This is the question I have been asking myself lately and sadly I am not able to answer a yes to it. I am having doubt. Since my tenure with this organisation, I have never felt like this before I moved to MSD. Although my previous role requires me to work on shift and weekends, I have always felt motivated.
Have I gotten into the wrong job? Am I not enjoying what I am doing which causes me to feel this way? Or could it be because of my leader?
I am definitely not overworked as I just came back from a holiday...
No clue what is the root cause...
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Just came back from Krabi last Thursday, went with 8 other friends.
What do I think?
1. Feels like a suckling pig as I got quite burn.
2. Feeling tired as we did numerous snorkelings with drinking session every night.
3. Lovely scenery, mediocre food, cheap beach message(lousy).
4. Great company = Priceless
Conclusion? This trip was great, filled with sun, sea, fun, and laughters.
Am so tempted to get MC for Friday... yayaya~ you must be thinking that I am such an undedicated staff, think all you want but I bet everyone would have thought the same thing at least once in their career so do not pretend to be a saint.
Some pretty pictures for sharing...sharing is caring ma.... :-)
What do I think?
1. Feels like a suckling pig as I got quite burn.
2. Feeling tired as we did numerous snorkelings with drinking session every night.
3. Lovely scenery, mediocre food, cheap beach message(lousy).
4. Great company = Priceless
Conclusion? This trip was great, filled with sun, sea, fun, and laughters.
Am so tempted to get MC for Friday... yayaya~ you must be thinking that I am such an undedicated staff, think all you want but I bet everyone would have thought the same thing at least once in their career so do not pretend to be a saint.
Some pretty pictures for sharing...sharing is caring ma.... :-)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
放工返到屋企, 好順手就攞起部手機來check下睇有無sms或者missed call囉. 出乎我以料, 既然睇到佢嘅missed call. 禮貌上都要覆返個電話俾人o地嘅, so咪覆call囉, 佢既然問我要不要看戲. 哇!! 驚喜~
我其實想啦啦臨应成, 但係, 點都要有少少性格嘅, 所以就唔咗幾秒先应成. 決定咗睇九點三, 但因為太遲所以網上訂不到票, 唯有到戲院先賣.
之後無麼大件事發生, 只不過係八點幾開始落大雨, 行雷閃電麼都有齊.
唸住雨好快會停啦, 總有希望嘅, 唔使擔心.
係啊, 雨有停啊, 總要啱啱係九點先停添, 都已經趕唔切啦, 又要駕車去, 又要賣票.
真係激死我!! 唔通真係整定?
放工返到屋企, 好順手就攞起部手機來check下睇有無sms或者missed call囉. 出乎我以料, 既然睇到佢嘅missed call. 禮貌上都要覆返個電話俾人o地嘅, so咪覆call囉, 佢既然問我要不要看戲. 哇!! 驚喜~
我其實想啦啦臨应成, 但係, 點都要有少少性格嘅, 所以就唔咗幾秒先应成. 決定咗睇九點三, 但因為太遲所以網上訂不到票, 唯有到戲院先賣.
之後無麼大件事發生, 只不過係八點幾開始落大雨, 行雷閃電麼都有齊.
唸住雨好快會停啦, 總有希望嘅, 唔使擔心.
係啊, 雨有停啊, 總要啱啱係九點先停添, 都已經趕唔切啦, 又要駕車去, 又要賣票.
真係激死我!! 唔通真係整定?
Sunday, August 9, 2009
List of events continued...
I went for follow up check on Friday and guess what happened? Nothing serious, just that I was referred to General Hospital for further investigation for possible H1N1....#%*@$&#*!
The list of events below just grew longer. On Friday morning, I was feeling all enthusiastic to go to work, thinking that I just needed to drop by the clinic for the docs to confirm I am all good. My turn came, doctor put on the temperature strip on my forehead and said that I am still having fever and am still having sore throat. Great! The next thing I know is that I was given 1 more day MC and a referral letter to the GH for further investigation for possible H1N1. Just great! Oh...knowing that I need to do follow up check, yet I am capable of not bringing my insurance card. It was left at home, no big deal, just that I need to pay and claim back later. Life is just great! More things to do to keep my life interesting...
Spent couples of hours in GH and finally doctor confirmed I am clear of H1N1....see I said...nothing serious....*speechless*
The list of events below just grew longer. On Friday morning, I was feeling all enthusiastic to go to work, thinking that I just needed to drop by the clinic for the docs to confirm I am all good. My turn came, doctor put on the temperature strip on my forehead and said that I am still having fever and am still having sore throat. Great! The next thing I know is that I was given 1 more day MC and a referral letter to the GH for further investigation for possible H1N1. Just great! Oh...knowing that I need to do follow up check, yet I am capable of not bringing my insurance card. It was left at home, no big deal, just that I need to pay and claim back later. Life is just great! More things to do to keep my life interesting...
Spent couples of hours in GH and finally doctor confirmed I am clear of H1N1....see I said...nothing serious....*speechless*
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Life is full of unexpected events...
Have been a while since my last post. Why?? Because I was bogged down with a list of events.
I just like how events can happen one after another, unplanned. Oh did I mention, it was all unpleasant but memorable.
Here is the list of events taken place from June till today.
1) It all started with a small trip and fall where I scratched my knee, nothing serious, my knee got swollen with some unwanted carvings.
2) Then came the trip and fall from a wet staircase. Not too serious, got a crack on my lower spine, cannot sit for 2 weeks, cannot sleep well for 2 weeks, got medical leave for 3 weeks, and was told it will take 6 weeks to heal, how exciting~
3) My beloved dalmation name Patra left after being with us for 14 years.
4) What's next? I dropped a pair of sharp scissors onto my right foot's 2nd toe. Oh, just to make this incident a bit more memorable, the scissors fell straight onto the cuticle creating a deep cut. Ya, blood was the outcome of this.
Oh! Did I mention #2~#4 happened within a week?
5) Then I got a cold sore on my lip. Under normal circumstances, this is acceptable as I can hide at home. Somehow this happened when I have important lunches, dinners, and meetings, this cold sore has become an eye sore.
6) On Tuesday, in the office I started to fell uneasy. Bought a thermometer and it was showing my body temperature at 38.5C, follow by headache, body ache, and sorethroat. To make things worst, I just got back from Singapore on Sunday. Well within the 7 days period, having 4 out of the 5 symptoms. I then head to the clinic and was given 3 days medical leaves. The doctor said that if I do not feel better in 2 days, they will send me to the hospital to check for possible H1N1. Have recovered from fever and will be going for follow up check tomorrow. Hopefully doctor is happy with my recovery.
So here you are, the chain of events that got me busy and away from updating the blog. Life is just full of unexpected events.
I just like how events can happen one after another, unplanned. Oh did I mention, it was all unpleasant but memorable.
Here is the list of events taken place from June till today.
1) It all started with a small trip and fall where I scratched my knee, nothing serious, my knee got swollen with some unwanted carvings.
2) Then came the trip and fall from a wet staircase. Not too serious, got a crack on my lower spine, cannot sit for 2 weeks, cannot sleep well for 2 weeks, got medical leave for 3 weeks, and was told it will take 6 weeks to heal, how exciting~
3) My beloved dalmation name Patra left after being with us for 14 years.
4) What's next? I dropped a pair of sharp scissors onto my right foot's 2nd toe. Oh, just to make this incident a bit more memorable, the scissors fell straight onto the cuticle creating a deep cut. Ya, blood was the outcome of this.
Oh! Did I mention #2~#4 happened within a week?
5) Then I got a cold sore on my lip. Under normal circumstances, this is acceptable as I can hide at home. Somehow this happened when I have important lunches, dinners, and meetings, this cold sore has become an eye sore.
6) On Tuesday, in the office I started to fell uneasy. Bought a thermometer and it was showing my body temperature at 38.5C, follow by headache, body ache, and sorethroat. To make things worst, I just got back from Singapore on Sunday. Well within the 7 days period, having 4 out of the 5 symptoms. I then head to the clinic and was given 3 days medical leaves. The doctor said that if I do not feel better in 2 days, they will send me to the hospital to check for possible H1N1. Have recovered from fever and will be going for follow up check tomorrow. Hopefully doctor is happy with my recovery.
So here you are, the chain of events that got me busy and away from updating the blog. Life is just full of unexpected events.
Monday, July 6, 2009
公說公有理, 婆說婆有理
唉~手掌又係肉, 手背又係肉...有時真係左右做人難...唉~
好多時其實都係兩個都有錯, 但雙方面就係死要臉, 明明係錯都要讲都係因為對方做咗啲嘢先之會搞成咁...其實我只係聽到男方嘅指控, 仲沒聽女方面嘅辯護, 但我就好肯定係兩個嘅錯. 正所謂單手拍唔响, 邊到有可能係完全一方面所做嘅好事啊...一定係一唱一和搞出來嘅啦...
搞到我做中間人事小, 只希望今次嘅褒會無留抵裂痕...事關咁會影響到佢地夫妻嘅感情...無謂啰...每一段感情都會有咬撬, 無論邊個唔o岩邊個唔著都唔緊要, 最緊要係唔好傷和氣...
唉~身為中間人, 我唔可以幫任何一方, (雖然我覺得今次係男方過分咗)...費事後果不堪設想...唯有做聆聽者...
好多時其實都係兩個都有錯, 但雙方面就係死要臉, 明明係錯都要讲都係因為對方做咗啲嘢先之會搞成咁...其實我只係聽到男方嘅指控, 仲沒聽女方面嘅辯護, 但我就好肯定係兩個嘅錯. 正所謂單手拍唔响, 邊到有可能係完全一方面所做嘅好事啊...一定係一唱一和搞出來嘅啦...
搞到我做中間人事小, 只希望今次嘅褒會無留抵裂痕...事關咁會影響到佢地夫妻嘅感情...無謂啰...每一段感情都會有咬撬, 無論邊個唔o岩邊個唔著都唔緊要, 最緊要係唔好傷和氣...
唉~身為中間人, 我唔可以幫任何一方, (雖然我覺得今次係男方過分咗)...費事後果不堪設想...唯有做聆聽者...
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Extended medical leave - Part II
Went for my follow up on Monday and guess what I got from the doctor? Yes, another week of MC and 2 bars of stronger painkillers. Those mushrooms which bloomed last week dried and a new batch has bloomed, this time more in quantity. I have to continue my sleep, eat, sleep, eat, and sleep routine for another nice...
Many of my friends envy me for having the chance to rest at home. Actually, it is nice to rest at home IF you are physically fit. For my condition, 坐又不是, 躺又不是, 站又不是, 走又不是, is actually not that enjoyable. Second follow up is scheduled for next Monday, hopefully I will not get another week of MC. If that really happened, am afraid if my workstation is still vacant for me when I return.
Many of my friends envy me for having the chance to rest at home. Actually, it is nice to rest at home IF you are physically fit. For my condition, 坐又不是, 躺又不是, 站又不是, 走又不是, is actually not that enjoyable. Second follow up is scheduled for next Monday, hopefully I will not get another week of MC. If that really happened, am afraid if my workstation is still vacant for me when I return.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Extended medical leave
Was asked why have I not been updating my blog. Nope, I was not busy. It was all because I was lazy.
I slipped and fell from the staircase last Saturday, I thought I would be paralysed as I was in severe pain and could not move for the first 10 minutes. Guess my mind was too drama as I managed to stand up afterthat, but I was still in severe pain. Went to see Orthopedic on Monday and the xray shows that I have crack on my spinal cord(S5, whatever this is). The doctor gave me one week of medical leave to rest at home. One week! I've never taken one week of medical leave. You must be thinking it must be great to have a week off from work. That's what I thought too! but it turned out to be not as fun as I thought it would be. Due to this injury, I cannot sit, cannot drive properly, I can only lay down or stand and walk (slowly). So shopping, lunching, sing K, watch movie is not an option. I did not set my foot out of the gate this whole week. I was telling my friend today "It has been a week I did not touch the tar road." Guess what was the suggestion? "Oh, then you just walk out of your house, touch the tar road, then walk back in." (wow~how come I never thought of that?) Sometimes I just wonder how did I get to know such 'brilliant' friend....
So what have I been doing this week? Wake up in the morning, take my brunch and medication, lay down and watch TV, fall asleep at 3pm+, wake up at 5pm+, have my dinner, then sleep. In a nutshell, my life this week is to zzzz, eat, zzzz, eat, and zzzz. is so blissful...for the first few days, came the 4th day, I can feel mushrooms blooming from my head...
Follow up check is next Monday, hopefully doctor is happy with my recovery.
To all readers, please be extremely careful when you are walking down a wet staircase. The pain really stinks and it takes forever to heal. Doctor said for my case, it will usually takes 3~4 weeks to heal...sigh...cannot even sit clue how I will survive 8 hours of office works next week. Hopefully I will feel better next week. I have been diligently taking calcium supplements and milk daily (mooooo~), in hope that the crack will heal by tomorrow...Can't be more optimistic....
I slipped and fell from the staircase last Saturday, I thought I would be paralysed as I was in severe pain and could not move for the first 10 minutes. Guess my mind was too drama as I managed to stand up afterthat, but I was still in severe pain. Went to see Orthopedic on Monday and the xray shows that I have crack on my spinal cord(S5, whatever this is). The doctor gave me one week of medical leave to rest at home. One week! I've never taken one week of medical leave. You must be thinking it must be great to have a week off from work. That's what I thought too! but it turned out to be not as fun as I thought it would be. Due to this injury, I cannot sit, cannot drive properly, I can only lay down or stand and walk (slowly). So shopping, lunching, sing K, watch movie is not an option. I did not set my foot out of the gate this whole week. I was telling my friend today "It has been a week I did not touch the tar road." Guess what was the suggestion? "Oh, then you just walk out of your house, touch the tar road, then walk back in." (wow~how come I never thought of that?) Sometimes I just wonder how did I get to know such 'brilliant' friend....
So what have I been doing this week? Wake up in the morning, take my brunch and medication, lay down and watch TV, fall asleep at 3pm+, wake up at 5pm+, have my dinner, then sleep. In a nutshell, my life this week is to zzzz, eat, zzzz, eat, and zzzz. is so blissful...for the first few days, came the 4th day, I can feel mushrooms blooming from my head...
Follow up check is next Monday, hopefully doctor is happy with my recovery.
To all readers, please be extremely careful when you are walking down a wet staircase. The pain really stinks and it takes forever to heal. Doctor said for my case, it will usually takes 3~4 weeks to heal...sigh...cannot even sit clue how I will survive 8 hours of office works next week. Hopefully I will feel better next week. I have been diligently taking calcium supplements and milk daily (mooooo~), in hope that the crack will heal by tomorrow...Can't be more optimistic....
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
To my beloved Patra...
Patra, June 1995 ~ June 2009
You came to our family as a puppy, as cute as you can. I can still remember when mom and dad took you out from the car, You were spotless. It was just like yesterday. We grew together, went to the playground and played the slide together, got scolded by dad together, got wet together when I wash the car. As You grew, spots start to appear on your body. You've always liked to sunbath, sleep under the car, refused to shower, and hide when the lighting strikes. All these memories are what is left by You to the family. You have been obedient and took good care of the family and we are always proud of You. Today, 16 June 2009, You were called by HIM, and have to leave the family. It is difficult for the family and I am sure it must be even difficult for You. For You have been with and loved the family for the past 14 years unconditionally. Please take care and rest in peace, You will forever be missed and remembered by the family. We will miss You, Patra...
You came to our family as a puppy, as cute as you can. I can still remember when mom and dad took you out from the car, You were spotless. It was just like yesterday. We grew together, went to the playground and played the slide together, got scolded by dad together, got wet together when I wash the car. As You grew, spots start to appear on your body. You've always liked to sunbath, sleep under the car, refused to shower, and hide when the lighting strikes. All these memories are what is left by You to the family. You have been obedient and took good care of the family and we are always proud of You. Today, 16 June 2009, You were called by HIM, and have to leave the family. It is difficult for the family and I am sure it must be even difficult for You. For You have been with and loved the family for the past 14 years unconditionally. Please take care and rest in peace, You will forever be missed and remembered by the family. We will miss You, Patra...
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Tiffany & Co.
Ahh~My first purchase from Tiffany & Co...
Ahh~The little blue box...that all girls love....
I've always wanted to get another charm for my bracelet. Checked out Tiffany at Pavilion yesterday and came out of the store with a little blue box containing the below...hehehe...happy!
Isn't it a beauty?
Here my bracelet, with the new and old charm...charming isn't happy now...
This is my first Tiffany purchase, others were much is the damage for this charm? RM300...
Ahh~The little blue box...that all girls love....
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Cute little pig...oink oink
I came across this in Gardens and have decided to buy it. Isn't it cute? Any idea what is this?
It comes with a profile too!!
Some of you might have got it right...this is what it is for...
Is for the user to rest their bum on it....syiok~
Some of you might have got it right...this is what it is for...
Damage is RM39.80....
Saturday, June 6, 2009
My irritating colleague
I am sure everyone will have that someone which you hate most in your work place. Let's name this irritating colleague of mine ZZ
Today, office was having blood donation drive. I was in the room chatting with those who are donating, ZZ came and register to be a donor. Earlier, I've checked with the nurse and was advised that I am not fit to donate as today the first day of my menses and most of my colleagues are aware. Half way chatting with our HR manager, ZZ, trying to be smart interrupted our conversation telling HR "you should bring her(me) to the toilet to check if her claim is TRUE. What a coincident?"
OMG! Can you believe it? This actually came out from a guy's mouth! What sort of guys will say such a thing? I so wanted to stuff the bloody pad into his mouth and give him 2 tight slap on his face (pardon my language). I find this so rude and disrespectful!! Not even a word of apology from ZZ, and he thought the statement was funny! I hope he will be a woman in his next life and bleed to death!! I hate guy who does not respect woman!! I so wanted to tell the nurse to drain his blood dry...bleed bleed bleed~~hahahahhaha....
Today, office was having blood donation drive. I was in the room chatting with those who are donating, ZZ came and register to be a donor. Earlier, I've checked with the nurse and was advised that I am not fit to donate as today the first day of my menses and most of my colleagues are aware. Half way chatting with our HR manager, ZZ, trying to be smart interrupted our conversation telling HR "you should bring her(me) to the toilet to check if her claim is TRUE. What a coincident?"
OMG! Can you believe it? This actually came out from a guy's mouth! What sort of guys will say such a thing? I so wanted to stuff the bloody pad into his mouth and give him 2 tight slap on his face (pardon my language). I find this so rude and disrespectful!! Not even a word of apology from ZZ, and he thought the statement was funny! I hope he will be a woman in his next life and bleed to death!! I hate guy who does not respect woman!! I so wanted to tell the nurse to drain his blood dry...bleed bleed bleed~~hahahahhaha....
Some farnee colleague...
So frustrated with some funny attitudes that one has towards their errors.
An email was sent to a colleague AJ last evening at 5:43pm to update the system. Called AJ at 5pm today to check on the status of the update and was told that "it was not done yesterday because the email was sent after 5:30pm" but managed to work on a similar request that we sent past 6pm yesterday. What sort of excuses is this? It is obvious that AJ overlooked the first request. I just cannot understand why can't AJ just admit that the email request was oversighted? The change requires 24 hrs to take effect and now it is delayed. OK, let's take it that the email got to AJ 13mins after the official office hours, it could have been actioned first thing in the morning but can only be actioned after my follow up call..hmm..if the email is not overlooked, I wonder what other reasons could it be...maybe AJ purposely delay it so that AJ can listen to my annoyed voice?
The moment I heard AJ said that the email was not actioned on time because the email reached her 13 minutes after the office hours, I so wanted to throw my chair towards AJ. Here I am trying to clean up a mess that was caused by AJ because a project got delayed due to few of AJ's oversight. Me and another colleague had to explain and apologise to the business on errors that were not done by us and with AJ behaving with such beh tahan attitude, I feel like giving AJ a piece of my mind. Can't one just apologise for the errors they've done? What would they get by behaving like this? This is so irritating and frustrating. The best thing is, I am of higher hierarchy than AJ but seems like AJ is the boss. OMG! Really beh tahan...Argh~
An email was sent to a colleague AJ last evening at 5:43pm to update the system. Called AJ at 5pm today to check on the status of the update and was told that "it was not done yesterday because the email was sent after 5:30pm" but managed to work on a similar request that we sent past 6pm yesterday. What sort of excuses is this? It is obvious that AJ overlooked the first request. I just cannot understand why can't AJ just admit that the email request was oversighted? The change requires 24 hrs to take effect and now it is delayed. OK, let's take it that the email got to AJ 13mins after the official office hours, it could have been actioned first thing in the morning but can only be actioned after my follow up call..hmm..if the email is not overlooked, I wonder what other reasons could it be...maybe AJ purposely delay it so that AJ can listen to my annoyed voice?
The moment I heard AJ said that the email was not actioned on time because the email reached her 13 minutes after the office hours, I so wanted to throw my chair towards AJ. Here I am trying to clean up a mess that was caused by AJ because a project got delayed due to few of AJ's oversight. Me and another colleague had to explain and apologise to the business on errors that were not done by us and with AJ behaving with such beh tahan attitude, I feel like giving AJ a piece of my mind. Can't one just apologise for the errors they've done? What would they get by behaving like this? This is so irritating and frustrating. The best thing is, I am of higher hierarchy than AJ but seems like AJ is the boss. OMG! Really beh tahan...Argh~
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
A senior VIP will be visiting the office today and tomorrow. The moment we got to know that this VVIP will be visiting, it has got all of us busy. From updating the notice board to rolling out the red carpets, not the mention those hotels and limo arrangements. All the Managers and above are required to put on a suit today. Email has been blast to all employees inbox on the DOs and DON'Ts. All these preparations and efforts are just for the 2 days visit by this VVIP.
With all the beautifying done, we are putting up a pretty facade to show this VVIP but is it worth it? Why can't we just be who we are and what we are? So if this VVIP decides to be based here, does this means that the whole company will continue put up with this? My Manager check each aisle to make sure everything is properly in placed, this action reminds me of school days, spot check.
At times like this, where all T&E budget is cut, increment is frozen and yet this VVIP still gets to travel the world via FIRST CLASS!! with 5* accommodations!! on company's expense!! OMG!! Sometimes I wonder, how would the company wants us as employees to react and continue to stay motivated when the low level employees are asked to cut cost but yet the big shots gets to travel in luxury...
With all the beautifying done, we are putting up a pretty facade to show this VVIP but is it worth it? Why can't we just be who we are and what we are? So if this VVIP decides to be based here, does this means that the whole company will continue put up with this? My Manager check each aisle to make sure everything is properly in placed, this action reminds me of school days, spot check.
At times like this, where all T&E budget is cut, increment is frozen and yet this VVIP still gets to travel the world via FIRST CLASS!! with 5* accommodations!! on company's expense!! OMG!! Sometimes I wonder, how would the company wants us as employees to react and continue to stay motivated when the low level employees are asked to cut cost but yet the big shots gets to travel in luxury...
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
While feeding my car...
On my way home today, my car was getting hungry. To ensure that I will reach home via driving and not by pushing the car, I had to stop by Shell to feed my car. This Shell station was packed with cars, buses, and motorcycles. I guess by now you would know that I will be complaining on some drivers. Nope, I am not doing a write up on how to fill up your gas tank.
I was at aisle 2 waiting for a bus to leave but it had to reverse in order to leave because it was too big to go through the station hence I had to reverse and decided to queue at aisle 3. While I was doing this, there was a car that came from the main street, the driver could definitely see that I was on my way to aisle 3, the lady driver decided to queue at aisle 3 too! How nice..the more the merrier? The best thing is she cut right in front of me causing me to be in the middle of no where. I bet she knew what she has done because she mumbled something then stared in front. She DID NOT dare to look at me, not even a peek! She kept looking straight...just ignoring me, it's so obvious that she was 心虛. (I am sure most drivers have used this tactic before when they do not allow another car to cut in front of them, then they just stare in front and ignore the other driver, sounds familiar?). I was on her right, how close were our car? Let just say that I can CLEARLY see the pimples on her face! Obviously she saw me maneuvering to aisle 3 but has decided to join the fun by being KIASU! I hate KIASU people!
After the bus reversed, I went back to aisle 2 as there was no car. There were 2 pumps in an aisle and so happened the motorcycle at the first pump left so I stopped my car at the first pump. Guess what happened next? YES! So the kiasu lady driver has decided to join the fun at aisle 2 and drove over to aisle 2 and used pump #2 (無性格!). I should have just use pump #2 so that she can continue to queue at HER aisle 3 since she was dying to queue there, at times we have to 還人o地嘅心願. But since I'm a civilised driver..*ahem*...I will not do such a thing to other drivers.. :-) I wonder if she felt embarrassed, after all the kiasu actions she has done just to be in front of me but ended up behind me..haha! I think GOD is fair. I was actually quite 心涼..hahahaha...When I left the station, she was still filling up her tank....暗爽..
Oh..before I forget, the kiasu car's number plate is Wxx 9639. When I was driving out from the station, I told myself, she is so going to end up on my blog...haha...
Always remember, Life is like a vicious circle, whatever goes around comes around...Life might not always be fair but the person up there will always be fair..
I was at aisle 2 waiting for a bus to leave but it had to reverse in order to leave because it was too big to go through the station hence I had to reverse and decided to queue at aisle 3. While I was doing this, there was a car that came from the main street, the driver could definitely see that I was on my way to aisle 3, the lady driver decided to queue at aisle 3 too! How nice..the more the merrier? The best thing is she cut right in front of me causing me to be in the middle of no where. I bet she knew what she has done because she mumbled something then stared in front. She DID NOT dare to look at me, not even a peek! She kept looking straight...just ignoring me, it's so obvious that she was 心虛. (I am sure most drivers have used this tactic before when they do not allow another car to cut in front of them, then they just stare in front and ignore the other driver, sounds familiar?). I was on her right, how close were our car? Let just say that I can CLEARLY see the pimples on her face! Obviously she saw me maneuvering to aisle 3 but has decided to join the fun by being KIASU! I hate KIASU people!
After the bus reversed, I went back to aisle 2 as there was no car. There were 2 pumps in an aisle and so happened the motorcycle at the first pump left so I stopped my car at the first pump. Guess what happened next? YES! So the kiasu lady driver has decided to join the fun at aisle 2 and drove over to aisle 2 and used pump #2 (無性格!). I should have just use pump #2 so that she can continue to queue at HER aisle 3 since she was dying to queue there, at times we have to 還人o地嘅心願. But since I'm a civilised driver..*ahem*...I will not do such a thing to other drivers.. :-) I wonder if she felt embarrassed, after all the kiasu actions she has done just to be in front of me but ended up behind me..haha! I think GOD is fair. I was actually quite 心涼..hahahaha...When I left the station, she was still filling up her tank....暗爽..
Oh..before I forget, the kiasu car's number plate is Wxx 9639. When I was driving out from the station, I told myself, she is so going to end up on my blog...haha...
Always remember, Life is like a vicious circle, whatever goes around comes around...Life might not always be fair but the person up there will always be fair..
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Drama Driver...
To the driver, who took the liberty to stop at the center of the ever busy Jalan Sultan Ismail this morning just to scold me.
Those who drive by Jalan Sultan Ismail every morning to get to work would understand that there are traffics that merge from Jalan Hang Tuah. As a civilised driver, we would allow 1 car at a time to merge to Jalan Sultan Ismail. I was merging from Jalan Hang Tuah, this uncle decided to do the kiasu act by stepping on his acceleration the moment he sees me coming from the junction. I understand if he does not allow me to cut in front of him, so I step on my breaks so that he can go first. As he was moving forward, I started to release the break slowly so that I can merge behind him.
Then you know what he did? Not sure how he suddenly got this *BRILLIANT* idea. This smart uncle decided to stop his car right infront of mine so that I cannot come out from the junction. He was seated in his car and started screaming at the top of his lungs (judging from the movement of his mouth..ya..he is screaming) with sign languages hoping that I can hear what he said through our enclosed air-conditioned cars (smart eh?). While all these were happening, there were two thousand cars behind me and NO cars, let me repeat, NO CARS infront of him.
After 120 seconds of Tamil drama act from this uncle, he decided to move his car, after moving 2 meters, our friend decided to pull his car to a full stop again ON Jalan Sultan Ismail (just before Sg Wang). Guess what he did next? no..he did not come down from his car...but Tamil drama act part II was showing. This time yelling with his head turned 180 degrees so that he can face me and assuming that I can 'hear' his frustration in our enclosed car. He then step on his accelerator and turn into the junction before Sg Wang.
OMG! I really salute this uncle, he should be in his late 40s, driving a gold color V*lvo (no..not the latest's those ah pek's model). It is impressive that he can get so angry at 8am, I am sure he will be pissed for the rest of today..hehe.... I was SO worried that he might get a stroke from his action. No kidding! I think his blood pressure sky rocketed. Hmmm...I wonder could be it something that his spouse did not give in to him last night ..hmmm
V*lvo Uncle, calm down. At this age, you have to take care of your emotion, do get angry too easily, not good for your health. You will still reach your destination without all these dramas and trust me, your day will be much better and you will not end up being b*tched in my blog!
**Allow me to clarify the identity of this V*lvo Uncle, although I mentioned Tamil drama, he is a Chinese, I just do not want readers to think that this is an Indian uncle. After all the hardwork he has done in such wee hours, I have to make sure there's no confusion on his identity**
Those who drive by Jalan Sultan Ismail every morning to get to work would understand that there are traffics that merge from Jalan Hang Tuah. As a civilised driver, we would allow 1 car at a time to merge to Jalan Sultan Ismail. I was merging from Jalan Hang Tuah, this uncle decided to do the kiasu act by stepping on his acceleration the moment he sees me coming from the junction. I understand if he does not allow me to cut in front of him, so I step on my breaks so that he can go first. As he was moving forward, I started to release the break slowly so that I can merge behind him.
Then you know what he did? Not sure how he suddenly got this *BRILLIANT* idea. This smart uncle decided to stop his car right infront of mine so that I cannot come out from the junction. He was seated in his car and started screaming at the top of his lungs (judging from the movement of his mouth..ya..he is screaming) with sign languages hoping that I can hear what he said through our enclosed air-conditioned cars (smart eh?). While all these were happening, there were two thousand cars behind me and NO cars, let me repeat, NO CARS infront of him.
After 120 seconds of Tamil drama act from this uncle, he decided to move his car, after moving 2 meters, our friend decided to pull his car to a full stop again ON Jalan Sultan Ismail (just before Sg Wang). Guess what he did next? no..he did not come down from his car...but Tamil drama act part II was showing. This time yelling with his head turned 180 degrees so that he can face me and assuming that I can 'hear' his frustration in our enclosed car. He then step on his accelerator and turn into the junction before Sg Wang.
OMG! I really salute this uncle, he should be in his late 40s, driving a gold color V*lvo (no..not the latest's those ah pek's model). It is impressive that he can get so angry at 8am, I am sure he will be pissed for the rest of today..hehe.... I was SO worried that he might get a stroke from his action. No kidding! I think his blood pressure sky rocketed. Hmmm...I wonder could be it something that his spouse did not give in to him last night ..hmmm
V*lvo Uncle, calm down. At this age, you have to take care of your emotion, do get angry too easily, not good for your health. You will still reach your destination without all these dramas and trust me, your day will be much better and you will not end up being b*tched in my blog!
**Allow me to clarify the identity of this V*lvo Uncle, although I mentioned Tamil drama, he is a Chinese, I just do not want readers to think that this is an Indian uncle. After all the hardwork he has done in such wee hours, I have to make sure there's no confusion on his identity**
Monday, May 11, 2009
Recently have been contacted by few of my long lost friends..hope it is not a bad sign..
My phone rang, and the caller ID is showing some mysterious China phone number. No clue who is the caller, was thinking must be those China prank calls again. In a split second, I thought I better not answer the call but changed my mind. Am glad that I pick up the call, as it was from a dear friend (KY) whom I have not spoken to for ages. KY will be going for MBA this July and was reminding me that I should not continue to procrastinate my MBA plans. I've always wanted to pursue for my MBA since I gotten my undergrad.
GMAT has always been the reason why I have yet to start the application process. I've heard so much stories on how difficult GMAT is and etc. I guess it is just a lame excuse and the main culprit is just my laziness. My GMAT book is still in its wrapper dated 2004, this shows how eager I am to start my MBA... hmmm... wonder should I start now or wait for next year? The thought of quitting my job to go back to school really got me hesitated...
My phone rang, and the caller ID is showing some mysterious China phone number. No clue who is the caller, was thinking must be those China prank calls again. In a split second, I thought I better not answer the call but changed my mind. Am glad that I pick up the call, as it was from a dear friend (KY) whom I have not spoken to for ages. KY will be going for MBA this July and was reminding me that I should not continue to procrastinate my MBA plans. I've always wanted to pursue for my MBA since I gotten my undergrad.
GMAT has always been the reason why I have yet to start the application process. I've heard so much stories on how difficult GMAT is and etc. I guess it is just a lame excuse and the main culprit is just my laziness. My GMAT book is still in its wrapper dated 2004, this shows how eager I am to start my MBA... hmmm... wonder should I start now or wait for next year? The thought of quitting my job to go back to school really got me hesitated...
Hot hot hot....
The weather lately has been utterly HOT and to make things worst, there's no wind. Sunday's weather was fuming at 102°F/35°C, unless you are in an air conditioned place, it is literally an oven out there. While I was driving yesterday with the air-cond on full blast, I can feel my skin being barbecued in the car under the glaring Sun.
Came lunch time, I was debating between Domino's or duck rice as my lunch. I firstly went to Domino's all because it was air conditioned but the queue was too long so I've decided to divert to duck rice. When I was walking out of the shop I overheard a father talking to his son, "the weather is so hot, I can barely think properly." He was saying this with his butt seated in an air conditioned room, I wonder what will happened to his brain the moment he steps out of the shop, maybe his brain will melt immediately once his hair is in contact with the Sun.
So roast duck rice it is, the ever famous duck rice shop in Cheras. Under such extreme weather, at 2pm, in a non air conditioned shop, and what can you find? tables filled with humans and a queue for take way that is extended to the center of the street. This proves what a good roast duck can do, insane people to wait/queue under the hot Sun just to have a bite of it. And YES! I am one of the insane people queuing for my lunch. It took me 25 minutes to get my lunch but it is all worth it. The succulent roast duck is excellent and not to forget its roast pork and char siew...YUM~
Under such hot weather, what's the best way to cool yourself? No matter how many times you shower in cold water, trust me, it does not help. No matter how fast your fan blows, it does not help either, because it will only be circulating hot air. The BEST way is to hide in an air conditioned room..which is exactly what I did after a sumptuous lunch, and guess what happens next? Yes, dreamland was calling, zzZZZzz is is so blissful~
I wonder if the change in weather is a sign of global warming? It is said that such weather will persists till September'09. The heat is unbearable, not sure how we can survive pass September. Lastly, let's hope that there will no interruption to the water supply. Am sure you do know what SYABAS is capable of doing.
Came lunch time, I was debating between Domino's or duck rice as my lunch. I firstly went to Domino's all because it was air conditioned but the queue was too long so I've decided to divert to duck rice. When I was walking out of the shop I overheard a father talking to his son, "the weather is so hot, I can barely think properly." He was saying this with his butt seated in an air conditioned room, I wonder what will happened to his brain the moment he steps out of the shop, maybe his brain will melt immediately once his hair is in contact with the Sun.
So roast duck rice it is, the ever famous duck rice shop in Cheras. Under such extreme weather, at 2pm, in a non air conditioned shop, and what can you find? tables filled with humans and a queue for take way that is extended to the center of the street. This proves what a good roast duck can do, insane people to wait/queue under the hot Sun just to have a bite of it. And YES! I am one of the insane people queuing for my lunch. It took me 25 minutes to get my lunch but it is all worth it. The succulent roast duck is excellent and not to forget its roast pork and char siew...YUM~
Under such hot weather, what's the best way to cool yourself? No matter how many times you shower in cold water, trust me, it does not help. No matter how fast your fan blows, it does not help either, because it will only be circulating hot air. The BEST way is to hide in an air conditioned room..which is exactly what I did after a sumptuous lunch, and guess what happens next? Yes, dreamland was calling, zzZZZzz is is so blissful~
I wonder if the change in weather is a sign of global warming? It is said that such weather will persists till September'09. The heat is unbearable, not sure how we can survive pass September. Lastly, let's hope that there will no interruption to the water supply. Am sure you do know what SYABAS is capable of doing.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Long lost friend..resurfaced
After 4 months of absolutely NO contact from CC, he for whatever reasons has decided today is a good day to call me. My phone rang, a long missed ringtone was ringing (他不會是個好男人也不會是個好情人...你對我說我們只是擦肩而過..yes..I've assigned a rather unique tone for CC) and it took my a while to realise who could be the caller. He asked if I would like to come out for tea, I wanted to say no but decided that I should go, since it has been months we meet so this might be a good opportunity to catch up. Overall the tea session went smooth. Both of us were a bit awkward at the beginning but things got better later.
About this blog and my promise
After years of wanting or rather dreaming to start writting a blog, I have FINALLY decided the auspicious day is to be today. This blog is to capture the happy, sad, and memorable events that happen in an ordinary person's life, who happens to be yours truly...*ahem*...ME.
I will persuade myself to make sure that I will continue to blog and this entry will not be the last entry in my blog :-) (hopefully I can stick to my own promise) see...I am one lazy person who LOVEs to be a couch potato so this promise could be challenging...
I will persuade myself to make sure that I will continue to blog and this entry will not be the last entry in my blog :-) (hopefully I can stick to my own promise) see...I am one lazy person who LOVEs to be a couch potato so this promise could be challenging...
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