Today, marks the last day of 2009.
In few more hours, we will be in 2010 and 2009 will be history.
How have 2009 been for you? I know 2009 has been a tough year to some where they lost their loved ones. To some, 2009 has been an excellent year where their dreams came true.
As for me, it has been a bumpy year, from a spine fracture to possible AH1N1, what else can I ask for? A rather memorable year I must say but no complaints. In 2009, I travelled to new places, learnt a lot, had the highest medical leave record throughout my career, made new friends, moved out from home(renovation), got hurt and recuperated, bought too many expensive items, got drunk, still driving my old Proton, fell down from a flight of stairs, diagnosed for possible AH1N1, got a new boss, made huge mistakes at work, seen too much of office politics and getting sick and tired of it, and oh! finally realised that I have too much clothes and quite proud of my 2009 achievements :-)
I am certain that 2010 will be another exciting year~
Have you set your 2010 New Year Resolution?
Here is where I capture pieces of my life, things that matter to me, events that made me who I am today.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
第1位 当然是O型血型。O型血型撒谎简直就像吃饭一样,但撒谎时所有人都能看出是假的。
第2位 B型血型。B型血型非常会装蒜。
第3位 AB型血型。不经常撒谎,但一旦撒谎就能瞒过所有人。
第4位 A型血型。原本就不会撒谎。
第1位 B型血型。具有坚强不屈的强大生命力,所以会坚韧地活下去
第2位 A型血型。会突然产生求生的意识。A型血型会仔细地考虑求生的方法。
第3位 AB型血型。要么活要么死,随它去吧。
第4位 O型血型。讨厌独自生活。爱唠叨爱聊天的O型血型如果没有人与其说话,就会闷得想自杀。
第1位 AB型血型。不太努力的AB型血型只会在二三等徘徊。
第2位 A型血型。A型血型根本没有这种欲望。
第3位 B型血型。B型血型学习很用功。
第4位 O型血型。O型血型非常用功。甚至于不惜挑灯夜读以获得第1名。
第1位 O型血型。无论是学习,还是吃东西,O型血型都同样用功。
第2位 B型血型。B型血型主要喜欢鱼类。
第3位 AB型血型。吃的能力只处在平均水准上。
第4位 A型血型。A型血型既不挑食,也不贪食。
第1位 O型血型。O型血型原本就很有自己的一套,外貌也出众,能言善道,天生就是做明星的料。
第2位 B型血型。B型血型的外貌很能引人注目,个性总能得到认可。
第3位 AB型血型。AB型血型基本上不具备成为明星的能力。
第4位 A型血型。A型血型不喜欢引人注目,从内心拒绝成为明星。
第1位 AB型血型。AB型血型最不懂礼貌。
第2位 B型血型。有点不懂礼貌。
第3位 A型血型。A型血型都不知道怎样是不礼貌。
第4位 O型血型。O型血型有故意表现得不礼貌的倾向,与O型血型的善良的内心形成鲜明对比。
第1位 O型血型。O型血型善于理财,自然可以成为大富翁。
第2位 B型血型。B型血型会积少成多成为富翁。
第3位 AB型血型。AB型血型不太喜欢金钱。
第4位 A型血型。A型血型相对于金钱,更重视荣誉。
第1位 当然是O型血型。O型血型撒谎简直就像吃饭一样,但撒谎时所有人都能看出是假的。
第2位 B型血型。B型血型非常会装蒜。
第3位 AB型血型。不经常撒谎,但一旦撒谎就能瞒过所有人。
第4位 A型血型。原本就不会撒谎。
第1位 B型血型。具有坚强不屈的强大生命力,所以会坚韧地活下去
第2位 A型血型。会突然产生求生的意识。A型血型会仔细地考虑求生的方法。
第3位 AB型血型。要么活要么死,随它去吧。
第4位 O型血型。讨厌独自生活。爱唠叨爱聊天的O型血型如果没有人与其说话,就会闷得想自杀。
第1位 AB型血型。不太努力的AB型血型只会在二三等徘徊。
第2位 A型血型。A型血型根本没有这种欲望。
第3位 B型血型。B型血型学习很用功。
第4位 O型血型。O型血型非常用功。甚至于不惜挑灯夜读以获得第1名。
第1位 O型血型。无论是学习,还是吃东西,O型血型都同样用功。
第2位 B型血型。B型血型主要喜欢鱼类。
第3位 AB型血型。吃的能力只处在平均水准上。
第4位 A型血型。A型血型既不挑食,也不贪食。
第1位 O型血型。O型血型原本就很有自己的一套,外貌也出众,能言善道,天生就是做明星的料。
第2位 B型血型。B型血型的外貌很能引人注目,个性总能得到认可。
第3位 AB型血型。AB型血型基本上不具备成为明星的能力。
第4位 A型血型。A型血型不喜欢引人注目,从内心拒绝成为明星。
第1位 AB型血型。AB型血型最不懂礼貌。
第2位 B型血型。有点不懂礼貌。
第3位 A型血型。A型血型都不知道怎样是不礼貌。
第4位 O型血型。O型血型有故意表现得不礼貌的倾向,与O型血型的善良的内心形成鲜明对比。
第1位 O型血型。O型血型善于理财,自然可以成为大富翁。
第2位 B型血型。B型血型会积少成多成为富翁。
第3位 AB型血型。AB型血型不太喜欢金钱。
第4位 A型血型。A型血型相对于金钱,更重视荣誉。
Monday, December 28, 2009
坐在office的我, 超無聊
這個星期的office也特別的安靜, 因為同事都在休假, 而我...唉~
上幾個星期, 有一位朋友(你知道你是誰)讀了我的blog後說我的華語好爛
我也知道我的華語爛啊...所以才要多用, 才會進步嗎...要不然會一直爛下去啊~
這位自稱朋友的朋友, 你啊...沒有encourage我也算了...既然還踩多兩腳...你真是夠朋友..
我好用心的寫欸, 誰叫我上學不專心...所以唯有現在將勤補絕囉...
坐在office的我, 超無聊
這個星期的office也特別的安靜, 因為同事都在休假, 而我...唉~
上幾個星期, 有一位朋友(你知道你是誰)讀了我的blog後說我的華語好爛
我也知道我的華語爛啊...所以才要多用, 才會進步嗎...要不然會一直爛下去啊~
這位自稱朋友的朋友, 你啊...沒有encourage我也算了...既然還踩多兩腳...你真是夠朋友..
我好用心的寫欸, 誰叫我上學不專心...所以唯有現在將勤補絕囉...
Thursday, December 24, 2009
聖誕老公公, 您在哪?
這麼快, 今天是2009年的平安夜,
2009年1月1號, 感覺好像是才一個月前的事...
還記得去年的平安夜, 是有驚喜的....也變成了美好的回憶....
(因為太多所以後面加了sss) :-)
Wishing all readers a joyful and memorable Christmas....
2009年1月1號, 感覺好像是才一個月前的事...
還記得去年的平安夜, 是有驚喜的....也變成了美好的回憶....
(因為太多所以後面加了sss) :-)
Wishing all readers a joyful and memorable Christmas....
It is bad enough that I have to work through Christmas.
Today is Christmas Eve, woke up in the morning, feeling all unwilling and lethagic to go to work.
To make things worst, I am sick!
Here I am, sitting in the office, sneezing, nose running, body aching...
Today is Christmas Eve, woke up in the morning, feeling all unwilling and lethagic to go to work.
To make things worst, I am sick!
Here I am, sitting in the office, sneezing, nose running, body aching...
Saturday, December 19, 2009
哪..你覺得人, 應不應該對於感情, 事業, 家人, 朋友有期待呢?
沒有期待, 哪人生不就沒期待了嗎
可是, 有期待, 就要準備面對失望
哪..你覺得人, 應不應該對於感情, 事業, 家人, 朋友有期待呢?
沒有期待, 哪人生不就沒期待了嗎
可是, 有期待, 就要準備面對失望
So where should I start? Hmmm....OK, let's start with my 'Bangkok' what's with the ' ' ? That is because I did not end up being in Bangkok instead I detoured to another country in which I thought will 神不知, 鬼不覺 and let me tell you I WAS SO WRONG~
I did not want to let my parents know about this detour, I even got my friends to help me buy some goodies from BKK as proof of visit. Everything went smoothly, I told myself, as everyone thought I went to BKK. Just when I thought everything was good, 2 weeks ago, 2 months after my 'bangkok' trip, my mom started to act differently, a little of Indian drama was on show. She was saying that I was not honest and that I do not trust them and all the weird weird statements. I thought she was referring to some secrets between my sister and myself so I just acted stupid. The next morning, she confronted me, asking why did I not tell her that I did not go to bangkok and detoured. I was in the state of SHOCK! My face was white, I was speechless, and again I acted stupid but in the end I admited the detour but did not go into detail. In the end, mom did say that 紙係包唔住火嘅...
Till date, I have no clue who blurted out about my trip. Lesson learnt, do not lie, BUT if you really have to lie about the detour, do not let anyone knows and go to a 無人島...
I did not want to let my parents know about this detour, I even got my friends to help me buy some goodies from BKK as proof of visit. Everything went smoothly, I told myself, as everyone thought I went to BKK. Just when I thought everything was good, 2 weeks ago, 2 months after my 'bangkok' trip, my mom started to act differently, a little of Indian drama was on show. She was saying that I was not honest and that I do not trust them and all the weird weird statements. I thought she was referring to some secrets between my sister and myself so I just acted stupid. The next morning, she confronted me, asking why did I not tell her that I did not go to bangkok and detoured. I was in the state of SHOCK! My face was white, I was speechless, and again I acted stupid but in the end I admited the detour but did not go into detail. In the end, mom did say that 紙係包唔住火嘅...
Till date, I have no clue who blurted out about my trip. Lesson learnt, do not lie, BUT if you really have to lie about the detour, do not let anyone knows and go to a 無人島...
Saturday, December 5, 2009
之前和好友聊天時, 被問為甚麼我會記得某些事全部的details.
從頭到尾的每一個細節, 情節, 當時的感受, 都記得一清二楚.
人的記憶就是這樣, 對於自己在乎的事, 是可以像錄影機的把每一個細節給拍下來, 存進腦裡.
因為那件事有我在乎的人或是東西或是感受, 所以, 很自然的會把每一細節都給記起來.
而對於妳不在乎的事, 就算再努力, 都會記不起來.
從頭到尾的每一個細節, 情節, 當時的感受, 都記得一清二楚.
人的記憶就是這樣, 對於自己在乎的事, 是可以像錄影機的把每一個細節給拍下來, 存進腦裡.
因為那件事有我在乎的人或是東西或是感受, 所以, 很自然的會把每一細節都給記起來.
而對於妳不在乎的事, 就算再努力, 都會記不起來.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Happy Birthday to Me~
A very eventful birthday...
Yesterday marks my last 20th birthday, so not looking forward to the big 3 next year, seriously...OMG~
I told my friends, I will continue to put my age as 29 until 30th November 2010, I don't care... my birthday is on 1st December and the celebration started on...teng teng teng teng~
Yesterday marks my last 20th birthday, so not looking forward to the big 3 next year, seriously...OMG~
I told my friends, I will continue to put my age as 29 until 30th November 2010, I don't care... my birthday is on 1st December and the celebration started on...teng teng teng teng~
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