Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Why do some people blame on others when it is them who did not read their emails. The best thing is, these people can still sound 理直氣壯 in accusing you. Today there's an event organised by yours truly, the first communication was sent 2 weeks ago (2 weeks ago!) with 3 additional reminders in between, advising every related human being about today's event and that the time for the event is from 10am until 11am. Yet, after the event I received an email saying that they would love to join the even but because I did not advise the time early enough so they cannot reschedule their schedule. Oh~ then the sender found the earlier communication and replied to the email. Nope, not to apologise (想的美!) instead said that the communication did mention the event is from 10am to 11am however an exact time would be great! WTF!! So am I suppose to say it will be from 10:03am until 10:49am?! KNS! (pardon my language but I seriously beh tahan) or am I suppose to check everyone's calendar to make sure they are available before I send the communication? 間直就係在雞蛋裡挑骨頭..佢讲晒囉~ 勁! Come on...open your eyes big big to read and understand the email, don't go blaming others with some lame excuses and make people's life miserable just so that you can feel better out of it thinking that it is not your fault where ultimately it still IS...

My boss told me today that he has agreed to his boss on some arrangement about me (notice the -ed on the word agree, I was not prior notified nor has the privilege to discuss not to mention share my thoughts) and that I have no other choice. 哇! 先斬後奏! 多一個勁!!


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